Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Breathe In....Breathe Out....Wax On....Wax Off...

The nice doctor performed a sweep today in an effort to move things along a wee bit. I'm not sure what one's role is when observing another women bury herself in one's wife up to the armpit, whilst giving us both a running commentary on the condition of what is in there. She also went on to say that this sweep was the best she had performed in a long while, as in the most thorough. I guess we are supposed to feel grateful for that? It did look as though it nipped a little though, judging by the white knuckles I observed clinging to the bed frame. It definitely looked more like a scene from The Karate Kid than one from say ER, for example. Sweep the leg indeed Johhny.
Bambino's head has finally engaged, so we are making progress in the right direction.

On the other dad front, SS started school today. I was pleased to get a picture from her mother on my phone this afternoon. That's quite an achievement since we don't really share information all that well. I even called to say thank you. Old age and fatherhood does indeed make you grow up, even if it takes a wee while. SS sounded very excited about school, it's a bit crap that dad can't be more involved, but then again, it could more a hell of a lot worse I suppose.


Swiss Tony said...

BFS, can you both hurry up. I am having to check on a daily basis now to see whats happening.


BFS said...

I'll tell her Swizz said to stop messing around. That should do it.

Fiona said...

My broadband connection is playing up and every time it goes down I think I've missed the big event. -;)

Good to hear you got a photo of SS. Things must be looking up.

BFS said...

I've learned not to count my chickens Fiona, but let's hope it's a step in the right direction. Don't stress over your connection, I fear broadband will be superceded by new technology by the time this baby makes it's debut.