Thursday, August 21, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It would seem that the one thing my better half excels at more than anything else (and she does have many talents by the way) is making a comfortable home for a growing baby. This wee one is not for coming out at all. It's beyond funny now. It is officially driving us both up the wall. I'm actually close to referring to the effing baby and effing pregnancy, but have an inkling I'll feel really guilty in a month or two when looking back at my selfish thought processes. So I'll try and keep a civil tongue in my fingertips.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm well and truly knackered. Who knows what MPLST feels like in the tired stakes? Two 84hr weeks on nightshift (ok, I took 2 shifts off at the end, so shoot me) followed by 3 weeks plus of being chief cook and bottlewasher have taken their toll. I'm officially a bad dad now, in that I take full advantage of BB being an easy going child in the morning (not a trait he gets from mummy by the way). He's not the type to call you as soon as he wakes, he'll amuse himself in his cot for ages until one of us goes and gets him up, sometimes quietly (sheer bliss!), sometimes not. This has lead me to get every last second of sleep before waking up and asking in hope rather than expectation "I don't suppose you had a baby last night did you?" across the bed. We're more of a brunch than breakfast family at the moment - almost.

I've found new ways to dissuade people from calling and texting too. Someone texted "Is bump still a bump?" the other night, and got the reply, "No, we had a wee boy yesterday and I forgot to tell you." Rather than the traditional "Hello" when answering the phone, I've taken to "No, she's not had the baby and yes, she is still pregnant" before giving anyone a chance to speak. People seem to be taking the hint, not before bloody time.
I've also realised that my Paternity Leave is now done. Finished! And no bloody (that's not swearing) baby yet. From a purely selfish and practical point of view, we really wanted baby to come slightly early or on time as opposed to being, his/her mother. Now I just want it to come out. Soon. Please...
I've also noticed one or two odd little things about us as we await baby. Personally, I can't wait to meet my new son or daughter, I'd love for MPLST to be free of the pain that seems worse each passing day. Simple things, you know. What does MPLST think about? She didn't want to go into labour yesterday, because "Wednesday's child is full of woe." Then I am informed that the zodiac sign changes in a day or so. Only MPLST! I swear it's one of the things I love about her. Honest!

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