Monday, August 18, 2008

A Watched Pot Never Boils

It's official. Our lives are on hold awaiting this baby to make an appearance. Shame it's not happening though. We've reached a stage now where we don't want to start anything that won't get finished should we have to leave home in a hurry. We're not really going anywhere we don't have to either. All we want to do is sleep longer than we have been of late.

I am under the impression that one of my main jobs at this stage of pregnancy is to fend off the calls and texts asking whether baby is here or not. I don't recall it being so difficult last time round? It seems now that barely a few hours passes without a call or a text message from some well meaning friend or relative enquiring if baby had made an appearance or not. I must be growing up....because a few years ago I'd have said what I find myself thinking - "Don't call us. We'll call you. Go away" (My MIL reads this blog, so I can't use my language of choice!) Seriously though, we're pretty good at keeping people informed. Do they really think that we'll make a baby then keep it secret? Arrrgh!

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