Thursday, August 7, 2008

Never Mind the Atkin's

Baby stress! That's the answer to all your weight loss problems. Honest, it's tried and tested, and if Dr. Atkins can make money by telling fat people they can get thin, why can't I? When I say thin, I mean thinner of course, since it's all relative (that's why I always stand next to obese people wherever possible!)
It's common knowledge that BFS is partial to all kinds of bad food, especially chocolate, jelly sweets and biscuits. In fact I visited my mother yesterday and what did she have for me? A packet of Flumps (marshmallow types sweets to the uneducated amongst you). I'm 34 years old! It's like visiting your granny when you were 7........but who am I to complain? Whilst I always endeavor to balance my food intake with more healthy foods (these are the ones I believe that really make you fat, cos they obviously add unnecessary calories), I'm not one for dieting. It's what size 10 women do. Or 50 something men. Occasionally teenage girls too, but only the really skinny ones! In fact, I've noticed the only people who don't do it are truly the people who should be bloody doing it.
Without making a conscious effort to lose weight, BFS has dropped a stone in the last month. I've been at the gym less than ever. I've still binged on the sweets occasionally, though admittedly not as badly as usual - but when I binge I must finish whatever it is that I open, so it really is calorie-tastic.
So the answer must lie in the baby stress. My kilt now fits me back in the buckles that I fastened the day I got married. This was a pleasant surprise for the wedding we were at the other day, as the last time the kilt came out, I resembled 10 pounds of shite squashed into a 5 pound bag. My jeans are falling off my backside, so I look about 24 from the back too. Add to that, I am normally stood next to MPLST who is growing by the day, I can't help but look slimmer than ever.
So Fat Boy's everywhere. Get on the job, get a bun in the oven. Right about month 8, put yourself somewhere where you've got no option but to worry your wee hearts out, and the pounds will just fall off. It's an eat all you like, no exercise, fail safe plan. Mrs BFS might be in the club again before she knows it.....

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