Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Between The Lines

Well, 4 weeks after coming home, I'm pretty sure that Bambino will be coming in the next few days. We could have saved ourselves a hell of a lot of the stress and opted for an elective Cesarean Section a couple of weeks back, but no, we didn't want that. I have a sneaky feeling that if baby ends up coming out the tummy, MPLST will feel it was all for nothing. Personally, I think we were right to let nature take it's course because I'm in the "nothing ventured, nothing gained" camp. No matter which route he/she finds out of there, it doesn't really matter as long as they are both healthy.

As I write, we are less that 25 hours from going to hospital for the dreaded induction. Induction is best avoided due to a complicated birth last time around, but having done all we can to let nature takes it's course we're just about resigned to it now. In a final effort to make her body do things it doesn't want to, MPLST has spent almost every waking moment since Saturday on her feet, hoping for gravity to work some magic. Today, she even started ironing some curtains. What's a man to think when she does this? Is it because she genuinely wants the curtains ironed? Is it because she wants to be active to so labour will start? Or, as the more sinister side of my brain thinks, but is frightened to ask, is it a way of saying "Ok you big lazy twat, I'll iron those curtains and hang them since you've avoided it for a month."

I've never been all that good at reading between the lines. I'm also smart enough to know that now is the time to keep my head down in case I am right! Let's face it though, she's got a bloody cheek (he says, from the comfort of his own blog). The ironing basket is as empty as a New Labour promise. As Gordon Ramsey might say, "Ironing. Done!" Even the bloody fitted sheets (let's see some smart arse on Dragon's Den get investment for a man friendly way to do those bad boys!). Yet, her ladyship finds the one thing I've not done. Kick in the teeth or what I ask you?

I, on the other hand like to say what I mean, and mean what I say. I find this avoids the ambiguity described above. I'm rather proud that she is as resilient as she is, and that she has managed to get us to this point, because let's face it, my part was done 9 months ago. I really hope she gets going naturally, since she's put a hell of a lot of effort into it. I'm off to order a vindaloo.....

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