Parenting is getting a bit like work these days. I think we'd be better having a Microsoft word handover than a verbal one too, then at least I'd be able to find things
MPLST has taken upon herself to move (the extension lead comes to mind).
Speaking of the handover - I've got a gripe. It's not a new one, well, at least not to
MPLST. Being a hands on dad of the times, I have taken it upon myself to bin the girlie change bag we used when BB was a baby in favour of something you might call, half way trendy in a sort of mid life crisis kind of way. You know, the kind of bag that a man nearer 40 than 30 would use, that 10 years ago he would not have contemplated carrying, even in the middle of the night in a strange faraway land for fear of being seen looking somewhat gay.
And being a rather anal sort of fella, I like my man bag to be
organised and tidy. This is somewhat difficult to achieve when one's choice in bag appears to be acceptable for the woman in one's life (which in itself should have all the alarm bells ringing from my perspective) to use when he's not around. I now find myself having to give it a thorough inspection before heading out. And just as well I did too. As if I don't look suspect enough in my
muckle frame carrying a bag that my wife does, I have removed such goodies as tampons and "daily hair repair cream". The mind boggles as to what people would think should such articles fall from ones man bag at the wrong time.
All is sorted now though. I now have a spare change of clothes that actually fit LL in there, some nappies, wipes and not bloody tampons.
Whilst I'm sharing embarrassing stories - here's
another for you to giggle at. On Wednesday morning, I met a new mum at the toddler group. On Thursday, we just happened to be in the same place at a local farm play area come coffee house. She found out that the locks don't work properly in the
portacabin loos there, and in a way neither of us is likely to forget soon. As she burst in to the unisex WC, we both found out my lock was buggered as she opened the door to find my taking a dump.
Poor lass.