Thursday, October 28, 2010

Nee Naw Nee Naw

It's a sorry situation when the only time you have to blog is because the kids are ill! I'm supposed to be working, but LL had a wee scare at the beginning of the week. Actually, that's not strictly true, his mother had the scare - he just had a good dose of feeling sorry for himself-itis.

Even by mum's standards though, she excelled herself this time. (I do feel that the 3 days since have provided enough time for me to ridicule her now obviously). After a brief visit to the doc, they ended up leaving in an ambulance to a hospital some 40 miles away. In typical scatter brain fashion, MPLST had no money and no phone.

Here's what amazed me in hospital though. There is a woman whose soul job appears to be to amuse children. Crikey! I thought we were facing the toughest cutbacks in about 19 generations here.....and here "Heather" is carving pumpkins for kids in the children's ward. Evidently, she isn't that good at reading kids either. As they tried to give LL his drugs through a nebuliser, he was of course fighting them with every ounce of his not quite 3 stone frame. And her answer every time waving one toy in front of him failed......well, it appeared to be to wave yet another toy in front of him. After about 6, I thought the pattern may have become evident to her. But no, it took some sarcastic remark about adopting the Romanian approach for her to twig. Other than that though, I have to admit, the good old NHS were pretty bloody good.

LL is fighting fit now though. MPLST has managed to squeeze in some rest. I'll be heading back to work to finish my trip, and then we can look forward to Bambino's 20 week scan on Tuesday. Hopefully she has been blissfully unaware of all the stress mum has been under.

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