Thursday, August 20, 2009

Isn't it....

....about time she brought home a wage??

MPLST returned to work this morning. I find myself easing myself back into the role of chief cook and bottle washer, as I only have 3 days of this on my own before I go back to work. I expect it will be a bit harder on my return but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

I also expect I should post the odd pic of the boys on the blog given that's how I get to keep up when I'm not here. I don't quite have the eye she does, and I certainly can't be hooped with all the editing that she does, but I'll make some effort occasionally. Otherwise I'll do what I do best - the boring practical stuff.

Whilst I'm here, I'll share an amusing conversation between BB and mum yesterday morning. It went something like this:

Note: BB was in full morning glory as he was taking his PJ's off.

BB (smiling the innocent smile of a 2 year old boy): My willy is big Mummy.

Mum: Is it really?

BB: I like it when my willy is big.

Not really much you can say to that, is there?

1 comment:

Arnie said...

Not so sure that smile was innocent!! He's definitely his Daddy's go get the dishes done!