Sunday, August 30, 2009

Have I become a social anorak?

A recent article in the Independent ( hints that MPLST, and myself to a degree, may be bored or even worse, slightly boring. At the risk of alienating huge sections of my army of readers, I really mean it when I say if you don't like my blog, don't bloody read it!

I'm going to get all defensive now and make excuses for forcing my ramblings on the world at large.

I mentioned once that I don't do social networking sites. I don't want to share my life with everyone who knows me, or once knew me even. I have nothing against these sites if that's your cup of tea, they're not all bad. In the last month or so I have even logged on to my wife's Facebook account so that I can view family pictures in other parts of the world (and witnessed some quality bitching too Sharah!) That's about all it's good for though in my humble opinion. It seems I don't mind sharing my life with the whole world by stealth though - and that is the difference.

MPLST and I blog for different reasons I think. I started blogging because it once was a way of passing away long nightshifts at work which involved using the internet and NOT spending money at the same time. I blether about things in general that MPLST and I don't always find time to blether about. I rant because I can, and the blog gives friends and family the chance to keep up with the boys/us if they really want to.

MPLST, on the other hand, blogs partly by way of keeping a diary of milestones and events because that's what she does. If she had time, I'm sure she'd still write a diary every day. But her blog also keeps me more connected to what's going on at home. The fact she can combine it with her passion for photography means I get to see appreciate her efforts when I'm at work, and she can do something she enjoys at the same time.

I don't have a desire to attract consumer freebies - though I can't promise the wife won't try for some after reading that article! (She does love a good freebie). I never even knew there were forums for this apparent "burgeoning community!" I certainly don't think I'm the wittiest man alive - if I was, I wouldn't have a 360 degree view of the horizon 14 days every month.

I think I know most of the people who read my blog, they even admit to enjoying it and often mention it when we talk - and so I'll keep writing it. Boring or not! Auntie Pops for example, doesn't yet have the child bearing hips she'd like to (fine pins though ;-) I find the occasional compliment to ones most avid reader maintains their interest) yet. She is clucking like an auld hen though and I think secretly just wants to know what's life is really going to be like after her wedding. Other readers are just interested in the boys from a distance. I'm sure because they can read from work also encourages their interest. Let's face it, web surfing is much more fun when you are being paid to do it.

But really, as a modern domesticated dad, I acknowledge that I don't have the time I once did for lifes other pleasures. Football and golf take up a disproportionate amount of time. My kids are too young to come biking with me. MPLST and I used to travel, but it's hardly practical dragging young kids around the globe. So I find myself either working or doing the daddy thing. Let's face it, oilrigs are pretty boring, so I blether about the other thing. MPLST and I have even noted that our conversation these days revolves around work or kids. Must try harder!

My own rather IT phobic mother says my blog is a lot of nonsense - such a typically Guyanese response (even if it is right). My MIL likes to keep up with the lads and us too, because despite what you may think, we talk about other things when we see her.
That explains the lack of MIL jokes and sordid sex stories too then!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cluck cluck cluck!! Lol :)