Sunday, August 23, 2009

One in a Million

As most parents will know, it is frustrating as hell when a tantrum comes for no apparent reason. It's equally frustrating that you know the said tantrum may last a couple of hours despite your efforts to stop it. And then, when they finally do snap out of it, it's like it never happened and you wonder quite what all the fuss was about.

BB, like the average 2 year old, can be a serious pain in the arse when he want to be. When it suits him, he has the mood swings of a pre menstrual woman (though admittedly he's easier to figure out).

He always, no matter what, snaps out of them at bed time. There is something about the bed routine of bath, milk, brushing teeth, story, kiss and cuddle that makes him as happy as can be. I wish I could bottle it and sell it, because not 10 minutes earlier tonight, he almost went into one - but as it always does, bedtime has been the cure. It's a pretty good feeling when he grabs me behind the ears and pulls me in for his equivalent of a bear hug. At no other point in any day, be it Xmas or birthday or after bribery of the highest order to I get a bozie that measures up to the last one of the day.

Despite all that, the tantrums seem to becoming less as we come to understand each other more. Now I just need to figure out his mother....

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