Saturday, August 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Wee Man

I can literally remember what I was doing this time a year ago. That's because LL was born at 2.57am, and I distinctly remember the events of the preceding few hours. I won't elaborate in case it puts the more squeamish fathers to be off the whole childbirth thing....

LL obviously won't miss me any more that he would (or wouldn't as the case may be) any other day. MPLST will be at her domestic best today though as she gets the house ship shape for the annual mother in law inspection! Think Maree from Everybody Loves Raymond.

The daddy in me should be more gutted about missing the 1st birthday milestone, but I've come to realise that it won't matter for another couple of years. BB is getting excited about his for the first time - it's his 3rd in two weeks. I still wish I was home though.

Aside from birthdays, I'm told that the combine harvester has been in the field next to our house today. Now THAT, I wish I was home for - and not just to share with BB.

Boys will be boys.

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