Wednesday, July 23, 2008

36 Week Scan

Today's scan went well I'm told. Apparently the placenta is well clear of the scar tissue from the last op, so this bun will have the chance to find it's very own way out of the oven.
The scan revealed that Bambino is a little bigger than average, but not freakishly so, slightly big at the waist, and he/she has longer than average legs, so we're both chuffed that the natural birth option is still open at this stage. I dare say Mrs BFS has mixed feelings....on one hand, having had a CS previously, a natural childbirth is her preference, but on the other, the B and F of BFS stand for Big Fat. If my genepool is strongly replicated in the child, her eyes will be watering already at the prospect me thinks!


Fiona said...

I hate to say it but slightly big around the waist is an understatement if that scan is anything to go by!

BFS said...

Haha!That's just a random picture from Google images. Similarly, the arty shot of the lady in the sunset is not my wife!