Saturday, July 19, 2008

It's ok for her!

Tonight, I'm at work in the North Sea. I'll be here for 10 more nights, yet my wife is in her 36th week. She sent me an email tonight saying that at the end of this week she'll be full term! Great! There is a realisation that I might struggle to make it home for the birth now. More a fear than a realisation I suppose. I tried to explain that is was ok for her, she's guaranteed to be there for it! Fortunately, for my sake, she has a sense of humour.
This pregnancy has passed in a blur. Last time around, we seemed to take each week at a time and appreicate the changes that were happening. We started looking at names from 20 weeks. We went to 2 sets of antenatal classes. We had time. My wife worked up until week 38 and we exchanged emails regularly at work about the things we need to do or discuss.
This time we have a toddler to look after. It's harder than it sounds I have found. Suddenly we are on week 36, the baby is 4/5ths engaged and we don't even have proper shortlist of potential names. We made 2 out of 4 antenatal classes, despite acknowledging that we have forgotten so much from last time around. Of course, we are trying to do this whilst maintaining an unmaintainable house and garden alongside caring for the toddler too. For apparently clever people, we're not being too sharp, are we?


Fiona said...

Welcome to blogosphere. It seems there are couple of Ondivorcers bloggers on the loose. One suggestion for the short list of names - Cliff as in cliffhanger.

BFS said...

I'll have to have a look later. The mind boggles at what I may find....