Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm going slightly mad

Confusion reigns supreme in my head over one or all of these issues in varying degrees:

1 How Mrs BFS will get to hospital before I get home (if she needs to?)
2 What will we do with BB for the during the birth?
3 Sibling rivalry! Could BB be at a worse age? Me thinks not!
4 Garden chores, getting them done. Lawn, hedge, veggie patch.....
5 Will we chat properly (face to face) about names? The potential list has grown by the way, so much so, it's numbing my brain just thinking about it. No, I won't share but sorry to disappoint, Cliff is not on it.
6 Motorbike, will I ride it or even clean it again this year?
7 Where is the camera charger?
8 Not going to be much of a weekend for SS with me if I spend most of it at hospital, should it come to that.
9 Will I get to see the contraction dance again? This has to be seen to be believed.....picture a cross between Stevie Wonder and MC Hammer.
10 If we get an attractive student midwife, should I request a less attractive one? Apparently, last time I spent far too much time chatting to the midwife. How does one re phrase "Sorry, we'll take the fat ginger burd please" without causing offense?
11 And most nagging on the brain matter - Mrs BFS has a scan on Tuesday to determine if another C section is necessary. Watch this space.

On the plus side, being at work has given me a much needed rest. I have woken up each of the last four days of my own accord, which when you haven't done it recently feels fantastic. I dare say MPLST will be very envious.

Oh, and BB reverted to type today, so my glory lasted only a day. It must be the Muslim in him - he's a wee shi'ite I hear.

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