Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bully's Special Prize!

I have learned that with fatherhood comes responsibilities. My web surfing no longer revolves around sport. Nor does it revolve round motorcycling or travelling, like it was back in the days BC (Before Children). At work, I used to while away the hours looking at interesting destinations before booking trips and buggering off somewhere. Occasionally, I would even succumb to treating the wife to something nice, perhaps some cheesy gift, perhaps something altogether more purposeful (make of that what you will) or worst of all, I'd play Sudoku. Gone are those days I'm afraid.

I've just looked at my bookmarks on my PC at work. Those are the things I did. I can't remember the last time I used most of them. I can't even remember the last good book I read that wasn't about parenting in some way, shape or fashion! I'm turning into the bloke I used to hate! Let's face it, who in their 20's thought they needed to read about parenting? Not me your honour!

But I seek out kids stuff....or dad's stuff....or parent's stuff everywhere I look. Sure I can think about holidays, but not the type we did BC, so there's less enthusiasm for this at the moment. I read timesonline, and I'm almost ashamed to admit I read the Life and Style section before the news or sport. What the hell is going on here? Fiona's blog (over there on the right) often has a useful pearl of wisdom lurking somewhere that helps me in the part time dad (or rather ex husband) role. The last few books I've read, whilst mostly funny, are all about babies. Making them. Growing them. Having them. Looking after them. Relating to them. Then, getting shot of them.......

Even over the course of the last few nights, I've read about talking to teenagers about sex, despite it being an eternity away for me one would hope. Besides which, I thought talking to teenagers about S-E-X was about the same a teaching a fish to have a bath anyway!

I was pleased to find an interesting, if short lived distraction here:

A welcome little escape from the world of being dad, whether full time or part time.I could have been doing this. We could have. But no, my wife keeps getting bloody pregnant (obviously it's something she's doing, my part cannot be proved until much later!). Surfing the net now like watching the end of Bullseye though....where Jim Bowen says "Never mind! Here's what you could have won!" with far too much glee as he shows the contestants the speedboat.

I wouldn't have it any other way though. Dad's get loads to blether about.

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