Wednesday, September 23, 2009


You really do get like those you live with.
This afternoon, we squeezed into the car with a friend and her daughter and went to St Andrews aquarium. Just as we got to the first display R squared got themselves down on to their tummies and pressed their faces up to the glass. Would have made a cracking pic, if only some dipstick had remembered to replace the memory card after blogging last night. Doh!

The big boy enjoyed the fish, and the seals. The journey down was amusing. LL crashed out - no surprise there. BB was desperate to sleep too, but the poor wee man was so keen to indulge the lovely Rachel in conversation that he couldn't. To be fair to young Rachel, she is the only person I know who can out talk the two generations that went before her, so he was really up against it today. On the bright side, he's fed, watered and sleeping before 8pm tonight.

The little boy was in the backpack, but I think he was more impressed with the lighting than the aquatic life on display.

On the way home, there was a terrible smell, and for a brief period, we thought that one of our passengers had had number twos. Turned out to be a false alarm, so we can only conclude that the smell actually was Dundee itself.

Speaking of keech though, the true highlight of the day happened on our return home. BB was taking his afternoon dump on his potty, and insisted that Rachel's mummy wipe his bottom. Well, who am I to argue? Rachel's mummy duly obliged, but what somewhat concerned at the sheer mass your boy had shifted - "That's more than I do in a week" said she with a look for utter disbelief.

He's still got it!

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