Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mummy's Boys

Here's another article that made me laugh.

It explores whether or not British men are becoming like their Italian counterparts, that is overly molly cuddled by their mothers. Of course, I can't say with any certainty if there is any truth in this, but what I can say is that as a British man it was never going to happen to me.

According to the article, one quarter of British men can't use a washing machine or cook for themselves. I'm pretty sure that of those 25%, all must have had very British mothers. Not a single one of them had a Guyanese mother, that's for bloody sure.

You soon learn how to use a washing machine - especially if you want your best Friday night pulling jeans - when you fall out with a Guyanese mother as a teenager. And when a Guyanese woman says she is not doing your washing, she means the whole hog. You can't just get away with loading it in the machine and buggering off, hoping that it will reappear dried and ironed on your bed again. No such luck! You can't even get away with hanging it out and leaving it on the line, because if you don't bring it in, then it'll damn well stay there until the next rain gets it. And then she'll iron the remaining household pile and leave yours right there in the basket. If you think leaving it on your bedroom floor long enough will annoy her into doing it, you'd be mistaken too.

Maybe all this explains why Domestic Shaunie is quite so domesticated? The same rules applied equally to cleaning and cooking. Sometimes I wonder why I insisted on upsetting her so frequently?
MPLST seems to be reaping the benefits of all this character building behaviour......

1 comment:

Pops said...


other way for me, andy's mum did EVERYTHING for him, although he will try. put dirty washing on a tumble dry spin once...bless oh, and hung up dirty washing...did he not realise it was DRY and didn't smell daz fresh??

i have no idea how he managed in london for 9 years on his own!!