Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My Very Own Billy Elliot

I'm getting it in the neck from all angles about the lack of blogging. I'm not quite sure why I've been struggling to find the time, as that was one the the quietest (not to mention most sober) New Years I've had since I was but a spotty pubescent teenager.

Some folks seem desperate for me to post pics of the kids. You'll just have to wait as I am back offshore. Unless MPLST sends me some downsized pics which I can post, you'll have to make do with my general rants against the world for the time being.

So to get you up to date on why I need matches to hold my eyes open, here's what you've missed.
Daddy made a unilateral decision to bin the "night time pants" (pull ups) and complete toilet training the old fashioned way - cold turkey! How very ironic in the run up to Chrimbo. BB did well, but for some reason, won't use the loo on his own at night, so it's disturbed sleep all round. On the bright side, he has now mastered much so that I took him to the local toy shop where he picked his treat of choice.

We are (that should read I am really) using the threat of Santa returning to take away some cherished gifts if we do not behave properly. It's working a treat. Do you think it will still work come April, May or even June?

I'm also pleased to say that locally the nursery did not shut during the cold spell, and boyo was up and out in temps as low as minus 10. And we played outside in it. He still has 5 working digits on each hand.

Oh, and BB has also started dancing (yes, dancing. Not football, or archery or boxing) lessons. Either my darling wife has watched too much Strictly, or her childhood underachievements are now manifesting themselves in her parenting. The way I see it, you need balance to score goals like Archie Gemmil did against the Dutch in 1978. It will stand him in good stead.....

LL has taken the festive period in his stride. The only news on him is that he climbs and then he falls. He never learns though. He does it again, day after day.

SS came over after New Year. She is growing like a weed, but things are generally good between Fitba Face (her mother) and I for a change. Here's hoping that continues.


Arnie said...

I don't need the threat of santa. Yje look of death is holding up pretty well right now!

Arnie said...

That obviously should have been 'The'!