Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Some Guys Have All The Luck

Back again. Another massive difference in a 2 week period which has been especially evident due to their young age. BB has mastered the art of jigsaws, and loves them. He's spent all day showing me just how smart he is.....a proper little show off. In a few years, I can see him being that little smart arse kid that every class has, the one with his hand up all the time that all the other kids hate.
LL on the other hand is having a much tougher time of it. His skin has never been right since birth, but it's a fair to say that he now looks like he's been dookin for chips. Watch this space.

On the horizon for me is the old potty training. I've decided now is the time to do it. I've got 4 weeks to work on him, and I've been preparing my positive mental attitude for the last 2 as well. I'm sure there will be a laugh or two along the way, as MPLST doesn't share my enthusiasm, and therefore I assume she secretly wants it all to fall flat on it's face, if for no other reason as to avoid me bragging about how right I was. (It's your duty!)

Lucky me.

1 comment:

Fiona said...

Good to see you back