Friday, January 23, 2009

Shared Finish

You would be forgiven for thinking that the term "shared finish" would perhaps be a personal goal between the sheets for two consenting adults. Of course, it may well be, but apparently, it's also a term used in primary schools where parents can share the finish of a day, which serves to let them see just how good (or bad I suppose) their offspring are doing at school.

It's good for the non resident parent, ie. part time dad in this case to be invited to such days. It means things are working in the right direction with regard to SS and I. She spend the last hour or so of her school week showing off her reading skills to me, and generally showing me around the open plan primary 1 area, which has 3 classes. Who the hell would want to teach primary 1 in their right mind? I have a fresh new admiration for primary school teachers.


Fiona said...

Playgroup and Primary 1 in the same week? You are a glutton for punishment - lol.

Anonymous said...

I took them to the park today. I think I must be!