Thursday, February 26, 2009

General Blethering

I am officially the best potty trainer of wee boys in the world, (writes BFS!) We now have only one child in nappies - you little dancer!

Today we found out that MPLST's grandmother is planning a trip to Oz this year because "she wants to do it before she gets too old, and doesn't want to regret not going one day". There's a way to get a bit of perspective - she's 82 and wants to go before she gets too old. I love it. Mind you, she's fitter at 82 than I am at 34.
Talking of being an old man (just for a change), I've been away on a 3 day course this week. How disappointed was I to find that despite a hotel room paid for by the company (and therefore no baby to keep me awake), and a license to drink until drunk on a school night, that I didn't manage a) a full nights sleep or b) to stay out past midnight with the lads? Every day is a school day though - I've never done a course and concentrated on the course content before. Must be my subconscious fatherly responsibility kicking in. Perhaps it's not too late to turn this job I have into a career....

But back to the kids.....SS is doing great. Her mother remarried recently but hasn't deemed it necessary to share such info with me. None of my business I suppose, and SS seems her normal, happy care free self, so why fuss? Aside from wearing big boy pants, BB has now mastered the Likeabike that I mentioned about 5 months ago and constantly refers to it as his motorbike (I can see grandma worrying where that may lead already!), and LL is still scratching himself raw. There will be more to blog about him in the next week or so......first weaning steps are coming, and we (she) really needs to get his room decorated so he can move in - or more to the point, so he can move out of ours!

And a little word for their grandad too. He had a heart attack last week, but thankfully he's home and resting up now. Just because my kids have more than their fair share of grandparents doesn't mean you lot can go bailing out on us just yet! As soon as you are up to babysitting, they'll be coming!!!


Fiona said...

Did someone buy you a pair of slippers for Christmas? I'm shocked you aren't on Facebook. I joined after S went AWOL in Kashmir because it was embarassing asking his friends to see if he'd checked in.

I even considered joining an over xx group but as they were all reminiscing about events which happened when they were about 1 and couldn't possibly remember I didn't bother. Most of my "friends" are students.

Good to hear you've cracked potty training.

BFS said...

How do you find time to:
Source at those stats
Do Facebook
Forum admin
Read all those links you read and write about
And have a social life
And do the day job?

There was me thinking that when God made time, he made plenty of it. Aye, right!

Not that I'm that bitter. I'm doing sod all else cos I'm being dad, so it's not all bad. Oh, and I've still not opened that particular pair of slippers.........I have to wear these ones out first;-)