Monday, July 13, 2009

I Want to Ride My Bicycle

Firstly, I shall apologise for sounding like one of those "my son is better than yours" dads. I really really can't stand people bragging about what their kids achievements and expecting everyone else to follow suit. Only last week, some mum was telling me that I should get our youngest on the potty because her boy is using it at 13 months. Well, whoop-dee-fucking-doo and good for you misses, but no thanks.

It's not going to stop me this time though. Today, 2 months short of his 3rd birthday, BB rode his bike (well, actually his sisters) without any stabilisers. You might remember the post I wrote about the Likeabike (there's still a link), well it's turned out to be a great buy. Boyo has sussed balance and, with the exception of trying bikes in shops, has never used stabilisers at all.

Poor bugger is determined to get a bike of his own, and so is busy proving "I am good at it Daddy!" His feat was made even more impressive as the conjunctivitis has returned, and he could hardly see where was was going.

Having taught two kids who did it different ways, I can only urge everyone to bin the stabilisers. You can buy similar bikes cheaper than those on the link. All I know is BB did in 20 mins today what it took me 3/4 1 hour sessions with his almost 5 year old sister to achieve.

Here's another top tip. It might seem obvious. Don't try running alongside your child on a bike the same day you get back from a music festival. It's seriously tiring!

1 comment:

Shady Grove Eye Vision Care said...

Your first line of defense is to avoid the cause of conjunctivitis, such as contaminated hand towels. Both viral and bacterial conjunctivitis, which can be caused by airborne sources, spread easily to others.