Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's Just a Period We're Going Through?

Being a child of the 80's, I was never one for protective helmets when riding your push bike. It was all rather gay to be honest. I recall, not too long ago mocking a good friend of mine for using one on his morning cycle along the beach front. But of course, as a product of the 80's I was able to ride my bike on the road, use hand signals and even venture out of my mother's direct line of sight for an afternoon and yet I never did die on my bike.

That said, I'm always prepared to live and learn. I later graduated onto proper bikes with engines. Rather unfortunately, I had an accident which resulted in a cyclist (who needless to say wasn't wearing a helmet either) suffering serious head injuries. Aside from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the poor bugger didn't do much wrong. Lesson learned on my part.

Alas, since then I have worn head gear. As a responsible parent, I also insist the kids wear them too. But today MPLST took it too far. She was talking about elbow pads, knee pads and gloves for BB. Jesus Christ woman, he's going to ride a bike on the road, not down Ben Nevis. It's a push bike for heavens sake. I swear I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd found a use for a bloody fanny pad as well!

Proper boys should have bumps, grazes, bruises and the odd gash otherwise they are not being proper boys. Headgear is reasonable. Even gloves (all bikers know that the first thing that gets damaged when you far off is your mitts). But full body armour is taking it too far.

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