Tuesday, January 20, 2009


A few days behind the times, but better late than never so they say.

At the back end of last week, I was listening to this story on Radio 2 (another sign of old age creeping in!) news - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/7830706.stm

What really really winds me up about this, is how the cheeky buggers he calls parents can seriously consider legal action. I can imagine the worry and fear they'll go through over the next year until he gets the all clear (hopefully), but that doesn't explain why they let him go wandering off in a doctors surgery. They should count themselves lucky they weren't done for neglect. Ok, both extremes are a little too American for my liking, but let's face it, the parents have only got themselves to blame.

I know you can't keep an eye on them 24/7, but the responsibility when they do get in harms way should lie with mum or dad, unless circumstances are extreme. I mean, a member of staff didn't give him the bloody needle to suck. Bins get full - even in health centres.

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