Monday, December 1, 2008

The Poor Oilman's Guide To Christmas

I'm home for 4 weeks from tomorrow morning (weather permitting of course), which means I can get into the Christmas spirit without the distraction of work. I am particularly looking forward to this years festive season, having worked Xmas and NY last year. The only downside will be everyone asking when I am going back to work as usual, which is this side of New Year. My friends have such a unique way of making me feel wanted.....

The new job comes with more responsibilities (but rather predictably not much more extra cash!). That has rather curtailed my blethering and web browsing over the last couple of weeks. In fact, I've spoken to my other half probably less in the last 2 weeks than at any other point since we got together, so the next 4 weeks being stuck indoors should be good for us!

There will be a distinct lack of nights out this year, as both our chosen babysitters have social life's as well. Bugger. Now that I think about it, my next four Saturday nights will consist of Strictly and X Factor! As I've been stuck on nightshift, I have no idea who's in and who's not, so I live in the eternal hope that the Great British public have been voting for Rachel Stevens and Alexandra in their droves. Ahhh, how Saturday nights have changed in the last 5 years.....anyway, nuff said as I'm sure the wife still reads this occasionally.

Being a Fifer, and having and Aberdonian better half, we are better equipped than most to deal with the harsh realities of the Credit Crunch at Christmas. I think we are headed for a repeat of 1981 where my stocking quite possibly consisted of an apple, satsuma, a jigsaw and 50p and not much else. Perhaps there were Top Trumps cards too? And a Slinky! My boys will be the envy of the village.....

It is still a pleasure to have kids young enough that one doesn't have to remortgage just for Christmas, as seems to be the way these days. I, for one am taking advantage, because I'm sure I'll pay the price in years to come.

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