Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Man Flu

A few weeks ago, I did well to hold my composure when a mum came into the local toddler group claiming all men had it easy (toddlers groups are the root of this myth me thinks!), and that "there is nothing in the world harder than looking after a kid when you are ill." Bollocks! Yes there is......looking after sick kids when you yourself are sick.

This week all of us have been ill, and it seems like a man flu virus has got us. The wife is ill, though mysteriously enough, not as bad as the rest of us, which only serves to support the bloody man flu story I suppose. Although my eldest is 5 and a half years old, I was never really subjected to this side of parenting in my capacity as a weekend dad. The eyes are wide open now let me tell you!

So much for all the joy and happiness parenting allegedly brings. The last week has seen my (relatively short!) fuse stretched to breaking point. Whilst BB and I have shared a few very early, albeit very pleasant, mornings on the sofa, he really does know how to turn it on when his mother is around. He will go back to bed for me, but not for her. He will generally allow me the time and space to cook, clean or even iron (yes ladies ME, but you've all missed out now), yet barely gives her time to wipe her own backside. Perhaps that is why I have evolved to be the Domestic God that I am?

On the bright side, everyone seems to be on the mend and over the worst. I managed to accompany BB to his Playgroup Christmas party today, where Santa made the obligatory appearance which perked my boy up immensely. I didn't get to take SS to Playgroup or nursery events either, so it makes one appreciate the day to day side of being dad too. Even if I do want to kick his little backside occasionally.

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