Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Snowdrop Walk - Revisited!

Thanks to the lovely Mrs H, I had the company of a (very!) yummy mummy this afternoon whilst we took our kids around the snowdrop walk. Looking back at the quick blog from last year - one thing that remains constant is the look of love and admiration O has for her eldest daughter!

C was in my backpack, hence no pictures of him this time. I also filled the memory card, so gave up with the pictures before we made it to the park to play.

At dinner tonight, it was established there are only 3 sleeps until mummy comes home. Applying offshore logic to that, you don't count tonight, and you never count your last shift, so really she'll be home tomorrow.

I wish!

1 comment:

Arnie said...

I wish too! I see they put on their walking shoes especially. Great pics. I miss you all x