Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Who's the Perv in the Park?

Today, I donned my bunnet and headed to the park with O & C and a long range camera lens. Why did I take this chance of getting my name added to the sex offenders register you ask? Because MPLST is away offshore again, and one of my many roles in life is to make sure she gets photos of her boys when she's away. I take this burden of responsibility seriously of course, despite being able to hide behind her pathetic efforts over my last trip away.
I think O is doing his best Bodie & Doyle walk across the park in this one. Can't think of a blond equivalent though.


C supervising at the bottom of the chute, making sure his big brother is coming down safely...

After a while, we were joined by a few friends who brought this inflated ball. It's brilliant, kept them amused for ages. One of the spines has a weight, so doesn't go where you kick it. I want one!

The best of the rest....


Fortunately, everyone who turned up knew me, so nobody called The Old Bill.

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