Monday, April 8, 2013

Another Birthday Missed

With this blog, I've finally managed to catch up in number to that of MPLST. Of course, she resolved to do better in 2013, and looking at her blog, that didn't even last three weeks into the New Year! I, on the other hand, have managed to keep her up to date with photos of her brood much more frequently as we rack up the hours away from home. Score 1 Dad.
Now that I've got that out the way, back to this instalment of pictures. The first one (seems sooo long ago already) is a reminder of just where you can get to on a child free weekend, as rare as those are. MPLST and I ventured north and west for a weekend last month, and enjoyed a somewhat indulgent yet relaxing weekend away.

I know the rest is about C, but I couldn't help using this picture of O and Cara. I dare say it won't be the last time he ever snogs a dog....

So, C. His birthday proper was during my last trip away. As is the way, it was a fairly quiet affair, but red buses work a treat....

MPLST set up a "studio" to run a session with him. Granted, I've had to find the pictures myself (the internet data road thing must have been broken between home and work??), butI think he might become quite the photographer.

Yesterday, we had the grandparents and a few friends over to celebrate properly - i.e. the adults got to eat cake! Birthday Boy didn't really understand the effort mum had gone to.

Me and my Grandad.

Later though, the cake left its mark...

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