Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Operation PT

Not quite sure it would have working in Andy Gray's day, but the modern day dad cops for potty training too. That's maybe because my track record was impressive - but I fear I should have quit when I was ahead.

So, as MPLST has said, I banished her and BB for a day to get kicked off. Against our better judgement, this is an attempt at potty training, because a) neither of us are convinced he's good to go but b) he'll probably just be ready when Bambino 3 comes along. Hardly ideal.

So here we are 3 days in. LL is taking the proverbial P out of me. Today I got brave and took him along to the leisure centre whilst BB played footie for a hour. Things were going pretty well, a few toilet checks, no Jimmy Riddles, but hey ho what more can you ask for. Then, 10 mins before the end, he decided to play with a couple of bins. After I told him not to, and explained they were dirty, he promptly howled and pissed his pants on the spot.

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