Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Curse of the Shite Shift

Happy New Year! So it's a bit late, but what the hell. I didn't get back from work until the 11th, and since then my broken body refuses to swing back and join the hours everyone else seems to find acceptable.

On the bright side, I suppose I can't complain about not finding time to blog. I thought I had cracked it, sleeping until after 8 yesterday, but alas no, at twenty to three this morning, my body assured me that sleep was no longer required. So what did I do with myself.......?

I did what any ruffy tuffy, self respecting North Sea Tiger would do in such circumstances. I dragged my sorry arse downstairs and baked some cakes. Not just any cakes. No, proper girly cakes. If my boys can mince, then why can't I? (see MPLST's blog, all will become apparent).

The kitchen door creaked open about half 6. It would seem the fact that something was cooking brought MPLST down with an inquisitive smile this morning. Note to self: must bake more often. You see, she doesn't do mornings, and she especially doesn't do mornings with smiles. Oh, and of course there is the growing bump to consider as well. You can work out where it goes from here all by yourself....

So, in she comes, just as I am testing my cakes to find out they are still pretty much raw, and 2 are toppled on the worktop. I have to call it a worktop, because MPLST didn't use the word bunker when she was a quine (bloody Tuechters!) It seems the moment was funny, for her at least, as she toddled back up to bed, no doubt to fall straight back to sleep (bitch!) again.

I probably need to work on those decorating skills, but I bet the boys will love them anyways....

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