Monday, April 26, 2010

You'd Think I'd Know Better

This afternoon, BB's friend from nursery was coming for lunch and some play. That's all fine and well. But on Saturday afternoon, in a mad moment of weakness, I offered up my house/garden for all of BB's nursery friends whilst we were at one of their birthday parties. (Incidentally, didn't Saturday afternoons once revolve around football. How the hell did I find myself in Dizzy Rascal's for a couple of hours - and at this point in the season too?!?)

I suppose it could have been worse. There are only 6 of them in total, and only one didn't come. So, here I was at lunch time today faced with four 4 year olds and a 3 year old, not forgetting LL too. Not one of them batted an eyelid as their parents sneaked off out the back door. Oddly enough, none of the mother's took a backward glance either......

Nevertheless, crack into it we did. One wee lad has a gluten and dairy intolerance. So today, they all got rather boring pancakes made with gluten free floor and soya milk. It all seemed to work out. So far so good. They even managed to play in 4 different places at once, yet only bloodshed was from LL's nose as he took a tumble on the living room floor. At least I didn't hurt someone's little pride and joy.

No real harm done though. 3 hours laters, the mum's arrived to find their kids alive and kicking, and my afternoon passed rather quickly too.

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