Friday, April 17, 2009

Over Reactions

It's not every day you get some common sense prevailing from the US of A. Now, don't get me wrong, I am no racist - I have no problem with Pakis, Paddys, Ragheads, FEBs, Gooks, Wogs, Niggers, Blacks, Spics, Spooks or even Sambo's. In fact, I've been referred to as several of that list over the years, but I digress, and there is a but!

I openly admit, I really really have to make efforts listening to Americans. I'm not sure if it's simply because they gave us G W Bush? Perhaps it's that they gave us McDonalds? Maybe it was the compensation culture, which is now so prevalent over here? It could be because every single Yank seems to think that they rule the world? Or maybe, it's just because. But, nevertheless, the following article stems from a lady from the US of A. She talks an amazing amount of sense, I wonder if it'll catch on?

It must have got out by stealth.

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