Sunday, March 15, 2009

Blethering Mum

What a great couple of pics! I think the one on the left reflects more how I see MPLST. The one on the right probably reflects more accurately how she feels about herself right now! Anyways.....
MPLST has started her own blog. I'll attach a link down there on the right. If you think I can blether shite endlessly, you ain't seen nuthin yet!
I look forward to catching the occasional catch up of life at home. I guess now I technically have a back to back blogger.


Arnie said...

I do prefer your pic - but you're right I do feel more like the second!!!

Another year older to boot. Ah weel Happy birthday me x

Fiona said...

Is this a case of if you can't beat them, join them?

BFS said...

I can't say I've ever considered beating her!!