Sunday, November 13, 2011

Finding That Balance

We're still trying (and succeeding to some degree) to fight off the gaming world and it's appeal to our loons. This is their "moderated" PC time, playing on the Cbeebies website - as you can see, R loves it, and even gave up some TV time to have this hour on the PC. O just wants to see what's going on - he staying in this same pose for about an hour overseeing his elder brothers playtime.
Big sis came this week with her DS though, and he did try and stash it in his "secret hiding place" when I wasn't looking. We're determined that Santa isn't going down that particular road until Xmas 2012 though....

That was through the week though. We did get a little break in the weather though for a change this weekend, which meant big sister got her first ride on her new bike which has been dormant in my shed since July. Probably just as well though, as she is only just big enough for it. It was rather pleasing to hear her say "we should do this more often, Dad" when we got back up the drive on our return.

Looking back at last years cycling pictures, they've grown some since we did this last too.

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