Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Little Ray of Light

There has been much joviality about whether or not we'll add to our already significant brood - both at home and at work. Neither friend, nor colleague believe either of us when we say that, yes we think we are done, but no, it's not for certain yet. We're not knee jerkers you see. When we do decide, it will be for keeps.

Much as I wind MPLST up about visiting the doc, I'm not, and never have been adverse to having another one. But admittedly, if we were to have one, my preference would be to crack on with it. Let's face it, we're no spring chickens in the child bearing sense. Still recovering from the 10lb boy, MPLST is understandably more cautious! And of course, there are practicalities like work, finances and child care to consider too. The reality is that I have arrived at the conclusion before her - but we really are done.

Today, I got the first real sign of that from home. I'm only on day 2 away, and MPLST has sold the baby change station to her friend.

That's Progress!

1 comment:

Arnie said...

I just take a bit longer to adjust and accept that's all......