Saturday, February 5, 2011

Miraculous Powers of Recovery

You might think I'm being cynical (as if), but bear with me....... may have read on Porkie's blog that my last two contact visits with SS have been less that straightforward. It seems that her sick cycle is perfectly synchronised with our contact cycle. Amazing that, isn't it?

Two weeks ago, she was apparently sick. Too sick to come to dad's house. At least her mother had the forethought to tell me the day before. All this not withstanding the fact that when I spoke to her, she was bright as a button and told me about her trip to the cinema that very same weekend. Ho hum....

Of course, her mother was never going to agree to an additional weekend. Heaven forbid the lass actually has some QT with her dad. So that takes us right up to this weekend. SS apparently had a headache, and couldn't got to school on Friday. The headache developed in a fever and flu all within the space of 6 hours. That's right, influenza!

Not content with keeping her away because of this mystery illness, my ex didn't think it worthwhile to tell me this before I see off on a 3 hour round trip. Not for the first time, I found my visit cancelled about 20 mins from her front door. I was half expecting this turn of events (she does rather telegraph the pass in football speak), so I took it all in my stride as one does. Let's face it, there's not much you can do when she gets the child to phone and explain why she can't come.

Having got there, and not seen my daughter for 7 weeks, I thought I'd try and see her if even for an hour or two. Alas no, she was too ill. Not to worry says dad, I'll call tomorrow, if she's ok, I'll come and pick her up then. One night is better than no nights, and what's another 120 mile trip between father and daughter.

Imagine my surprise when I get a text telling me she is hunky dory A ok, asking me when am I picking her up! Before 10 am too. Amazing! This tale only gets better from here.....keep reading.

Off I trots, this time not telling BB where I'm going for fear of further disappointment. Out comes SS from her house, skipping merrily to the car, whilst her mother tells me to watch out, that she was sick last night. Oh, she was that much better was she?

In the car SS tells me that she went to youth club this morning. As is normal, a trip to the chippy for lunch came after. "What did you have darling?" asks me in a very interested kind of way. Battered sausage and chips comes the reply. I can only assume she is feeling much better. Washed down with Pepsi too.....

So, in summary, SS has been laid low with a flu bug that has (rather conveniently) cost her another day with dad. But her remarkable powers of recovery have seen her beat it inside 24 hours. Amazing. On top of that, she has polished off a sausage supper less than 12 hours after (allegedly) being up sick. Not to mention the cartwheels at youth club.

She really must be a chip off the old block. Either that, or her mother is a deceitful, lying, manipulating bitch.

You choose.

But all's well that ends well. BB was very pleased to see his sister and greeted her with his biggest bestest bear hug!

Then we got just a wee bit carried away with the rugby.

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