Friday, March 7, 2014

It's Official...

...Roary the Racing Car trumps Thomas the Tank Engine!

C is rather triumphantly showing off his Roary "big boy pants" before bed time, which, for the first time (we are on day four) are the first pair that have lasted a whole day. He's clearly feeling rather proud of himself, and why shouldn't he be? We went to Toddlers this morning, had a walk in the park straight after and another walk in the woods with the dog before school pick up. That's a successful days potty training in my book.

Back on Day 1, which seems a long time ago, we sent mum this selfie at work, which rather appeals to her. It's only right to include it on the blog for the book when it comes.

Days 1 and 2 consistently mainly of this...puppies are great for passing the time. How exactly did I do it with the other boys??

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