Friday, July 26, 2013

Fasque, Alford, Tarfside then Home....via The Beach!

I'm very aware that there has been no blogging lately. My cyber absence has even resulted in my cousin from Toronto emailing me to see if I'm ok! Of course, we are fine, it's been a busy couple of months here at SH.
MPLST has resigned and is taking up another position back offshore. She'll work half the time she does now, so we should score some more family time together. I've moved jobs again, so my head has literally been full of work for the past few months as it's shutdown season which means Shaunie is a busy loon.
However, over the last few months, we've had some days and weekends out that could, and should have been blogs in their own right. These aren't in the right chronological order, but really, in 20 years, will I care about that looking back? I doubt it!
We started off at Hetfest 2013, which is becoming an annual event. We camped at a friends as they threw a party with live music to thrown in. The first pic shows O after misjudging the flight of the ball as we were playing catch, and it hit him right on the nose. Nothing a wee kiss better didn't fix....

Somewhere in between then and now, we had a weekend wild camping. Don't tell Social Services about the fire, no children were harmed in the taking of said pictures. We had promised our special friend R, that we could go camping. Worked out a treat - her mother couldn't erect or dismantle a tent to save her life, but she can cook, and cook very well. I did the tents, she did the cooking - simples. MPLST and C didn't stay for the sleepover, but spent most of the daytimes with us. Big sis was there too.

We also took a trip to the Grampian Transport Museum in Alford. It's really good (none of us had been before). C seemed to like Billy Connolly's trike - I think he's eyeing it up for the future. I wouldn't mind it myself to be honest.

All the kids enjoyed it though, there is lots to see and touch, play on and climb in. Not sure who had most fun, them or me?

Actually, come to think of was mum!

It's only fair that I include an extra few pics of C, as he is the one changing the most. Here he is looking after my plants when I was at work. Good lad.

The boy loves the park, you can't swing or bounce him hard enough.....

It's not very often you get the three of them together. This was a school event where boys 2 & and; 3 were cheering their brother on - he must have come over to mooch a drink!

And since young E turned one, we have a complete set of cousins between MPLST and her brother aged one through to six. I think it will change when O hits 5 next month, so women being sentimental sods, they had to get a session for these pics. Maybes nap time wasn't the best time to do it though....we'll learn!

A couple more of FB3.

But the biggest recent news is that R got his locks cut when I was at work. What a change....

Now that's 13 pics. I feel the need to delete one or add one, but I've got three kids to get to bed.....I'll take my chances.

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