Saturday, April 9, 2011

BFS the Photographer

As you'd expect, it's been a manic couple of weeks. There has been so much to blog about, but by the time BB and LL hit the sack, which is normally my surf time, I'm beat myself. It's a shame, because we've missed out so many laughs....
BB's fantastic efforts during his school show. For the opening song, he was centre stage surrounded by the whole school. He belted out the song at the top of his voice just a fraction ahead of everyone else. That's one way to make yourself heard son. How he also decided yesterday in the swimming pool changing room to declare "Daddy, your willy is quite hairy!" followed by a casual observation at grandma last night that her "chest is quite big." I'm sure there are other things, but right now they all escape me. In fact, I've lost my train of thought at least 4 times since I started this attending to our newest and noisiest boy. The long and the short of the last two weeks is all good though. BB has been incredible since his brother was born. He really can't do enough to help, and for once, hasn't put a foot wrong. LL, after a troubled start, has followed his big brother's lead and is also adapting well to being a middle brother. For my part, tonight I decided to have a go at editing a picture I took myself. Quite pleased with the results, even if I do say so myself......

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