Wednesday, March 2, 2011

We're less than 3 weeks until Due Date. I suppose it's about time we take the thought of a new arrival seriously. Not that we weren't beforehand of course, but experience has taught me that my role for the initial 9 months of fetal development is to perform my role as chief cook and bottle washer on a pretty much full time basis. Actually, come to think of it, it didn't really stop at the birth for wither of the boys. Can't see this one being any different then.

What's to tell? Wife is enormous. In fact, I saw her behind a glass door this morning, and she has the silhouette of Mr Greedy. I jest you not! The other mummies obviously didn't see the funny side. Fortunately, Mrs Greedy did!

Boys are becoming rather excited about the baby coming. Mum (and dad) come to think of it, just want to sleep. All the time.
We had a visit from Big Sis too that passed without a hitch. She too is keen to have another younger sibling to look after.

Whilst we are surrounded by OCD cleanliness freaks, I decided after preparing the veggie patch for spring, it was just the place for twenty little green fingers to play. Nobody died. This of course contravenes the notion that all the equipment at our toddler group needs cleaned yet again because
a) there are a lot of new babies around
b) it's long overdue
c) other Toddler groups appear to be doing it

Do these people not take their kids to the swing park where some dog has probably pee'd on the roundabout just before Precious McSmudgkins goes for a burl?
Rant over.......

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